Anaerobic is a term to describe creatures /animals and breathing processes who do not need elementary oxygen (O2) to survive. Anearobic Pathogens are the cause of almost every disease.

Viruses are killed by a different mechanism than bacteria and all the other microorganisms: AMS prevents the formation of special proteins necessary for viral growth, thus causing the destruction of the virus. The killing of disease-causing organisms generally takes between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but often less than one week. This is true for all forms of infection and other microorganisms, as well as blood diseases such as Leukemia.

Métaux lourds oxydés
AMS oxidizes the heavy metals in the body. I believe this because there have been a number of tests where the roots of a person’s hair were checked before and after taking AMS. About two weeks afterwards, the heavy metals were gone, including mercury, lead, and others. Testing the roots of hair is a good indication of the absence or presence of heavy metals. Oxidation of the heavy metals is not the same as chelating but the results are the same. When a heavy metal is oxidized, it is neutralized and simply washes out of the body.

Matières étrangères neutralisées
L'AMS est transportée dans tout le corps, où elle neutralise les corps étrangers généralement toxiques. Une fois oxydés, les poisons sont neutralisés et ils sont simplement éliminés du corps. Presque toutes les matières toxiques sont facilement oxydées. Ces poisons se fixent à divers endroits et entravent le fonctionnement du corps. Au fur et à mesure qu’ils sont oxydés, ils sont détachés et éliminés du corps de la même manière que les métaux lourds.

Poisons neutralisés
La plupart des formes de poisons provenant de serpents et d’autres animaux venimeux sont oxydées lorsque des quantités adéquates d’AMS sont prises. La plupart des poisons alimentaires trouvés dans les restaurants ou dans votre réfrigérateur sont oxydés, c'est pourquoi il faut en prendre une dose toutes les 15 minutes en cas de venin de serpent ou d'intoxication alimentaire.

Brûlures guéries
The poisons generated by burns particularly type 3 burns, are neutralized when covered immediately (or even within hours) with NaClO2.

NaClO2 should not be left on a burn wound for more than 5 minutes. It must be rinsed off with water after. But as long as there is pain, one can continue to put NaClO2 on the burn for short periods, but never more than 5 minutes.